
Michael asked 11 years ago

I have a question, I am using your grid on a branch management site that is only accessible by members of the organization with the headquarters members being the only ones to manage users meaning they are the ones to add, edit, delete users. I plan on using your grid for that management feature it works really well displaying all the information but the passwords are hashed with MD5 I want to know how I can utilize the add record feature of the grid to hash the entered password or possibly have the add button link to a custom add form that can hash the password before adding to database. I look forward to your reply and from what I see so far this project is amazing.

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


You can implement it using on_insert event callback. Custom events are supported in licensed version.

$e["on_insert"] = array("add_client", null, true);
function add_client($data)
$data["params"]["password"] = md5($data["params"]["password"]);

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