Merging several columns of footer

QuestionsMerging several columns of footer
Agust asked 12 years ago

I can merge several columns of grid header. Can I merge several columns of footer? Thank you.

5 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


In latest build, you can group headers.

Grouping footers is not available now.


Jayashri Patil answered 12 years ago

Hi Abu

Do you mean this facility is not available in any version FREE/PAID? Also want to know does grouping doesn't provide facility to add WHERE conditions to query?


Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


Yes currently it is available in paid version.

Question is little unclear about where condition in grouping. You can have HAVING clause in sql provided in select_command.

Jayashri Patil answered 12 years ago

Thanks for quick response.
regarding question "where condition in grouping" I mean I tried to show records with respect to specific condition by applying where in mysql query but its doesn't work for me, still its shows all records from respective table. I want to know how to do that to show records with respect to specific condition.
Hope this clears question

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

You can send me code for review at [email protected].
PS: Also email me your payment id as this email is not registered.

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