Mess with save

QuestionsMess with save
S19K15 asked 7 years ago

When a developer using the file upload column and file view column in the same Grid but by mistake had set same name in these two array columns, when viewing the Grid and tries to reorder the columns ordering by drag and drop them, then column titles deathwatch from column cells and when user saves a Cell A from Column A can be saved in Column B and also the data in database are messing.

Seems like the save method works using array ordering with number indexing and not with key indexing… I think it will be safer this to change.

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 7 years ago

The view column should be virtual column that should have editable:false so that it is not posted.
And there is general rule to use unique $col["name"] for each column.

S19K15 answered 7 years ago

Thanks for the response, I know that, but it will be great this to change in order to eliminate the possibility of all columns data to be changed!

Abu Ghufran answered 7 years ago

Ok, we'll review your requirement in future builds.

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