Message "No input file specified"

QuestionsMessage "No input file specified"
Norbert Hammer asked 6 years ago

Hello sir,
thanks a lot for the great tool.

Today i wanted to test the grid framework. I installed the db on localhost and i tried to learn a little bit
about the grid by using the demos. But every time i receive an error message “No input file specified” and the shown table list is empty, although datas are correctly stored in database. I use XAMPP/PHP Version 7.2.11.
The datas are binded to the grid, but after choosing e.g. a client, the message “No input file specified”
occurs again. Currently i am not able to find out what the problem is. Can you please help me??

Remark: i am at the very beginning of web developing …

Thank you in advance and best regards,

2 Answers
N.Hammer. answered 6 years ago

… it works. Sorry, i made a mistake while installing the package.



Abu Ghufran Staff answered 6 years ago

Thanks for updating. Feel free to open new ticket in case of any query.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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