Missing greater or equal / less or equal than in advanced search

QuestionsMissing greater or equal / less or equal than in advanced search
Thomas Barth asked 7 years ago


how can I add greater or less etc. in the advanced search options? I found the only page https://phpgrid.uservoice.com/knowledgebase/articles/490211 to enable it for a date field. But it doesnt work. As soon as I enable it by the method

$dg->set_col_property("last_in", array("formatter"=>"date", "sorttype"=>"date", "searchoptions"=>array("dataInit"=>"###datePick###")));

nothing will be displayed on the page. The date is like "2017-11-16 15:35:31". I also want to want greater and less for integer fields. Are there no working examples?

Thomas Barth

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 7 years ago


We do not support this api, our product download link is http://phpgrid.org/download

Perhaps, you are looking for http://www.phpgrid.com website support.

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