Cihat asked 12 years ago


I want to make a date-range search but I can't see "equal and greater" and "equal and less" operations.

6 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

It's fixed in latest build of paid version. If you already have a licensed copy, send me an email at [email protected] with payment email address. I'll reply you back.

If you are using free version, you need to wait till i release a new build for free.


Shehzad answered 12 years ago

Hey Abu,

when does the new build come out for the free version?


Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


It is planned inshaAllah after month of ramazan. (next month)

Azam answered 11 years ago

Hi Abu Ghufran! It's already september, but there is no new release with promised features (((. Will it be published&

Azam answered 11 years ago

Hi Abu Ghufran! It's already september, but there is no new release with promised features (((. Will it be published?

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


It's in testing phase, however if you need it that urgent, i can send you the beta release.

Check your email.

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