I have an issue with select from MS Sql.
My query is:
$g->select_command = "SELECT MA.Description_59B77FD5_FE0E_D2B5_D541_0EBBD1EC9A2B FROM as Description [ServiceManager].[dbo].[MT_System$WorkItem$Activity$ManualActivity] as MA";
As result I got pop-up error without any text, just OK button.
I do not sure if I'm right but I think that issue is in values that are stored in 'Description_59B77FD5_FE0E_D2B5_D541_0EBBD1EC9A2B'. It can be ANY character like '"/` NEW_LINE@#$%^&*() etc.
Also there is more that 90k records in column and from 100 to 5000 characters per record.
Could you please help me?
If I do the same in this table but for other columns everything is fine. The only difference I see is character's number and column content (I mean characters like #$%^ etc)