MSSQL blank grid

QuestionsMSSQL blank grid
Miguel asked 6 years ago

My config using db-layer-sqlsrv.php

$db_conf = array();
$db_conf[“type”] = “mssql”; // or mssql mssqlnative
$db_conf[“server”] = “”; // ip:port
$db_conf[“user”] = “sa”;
$db_conf[“password”] = “xxxxxx”;
$db_conf[“database”] = “BDSis”;

$g->table = “[BDSis].[dbo].[CONTACTOS]”;
$g->select_command = “Select * from CONTACTOS”;

I am geting blank grid, no errors on load. What i am doing wrong?



2 Answers
Miguel answered 6 years ago

After activating display errors, i get this error:

Warning: mssql_connect(): Unable to connect to server: in /var/www/html/phpgrid/lib/inc/adodb/drivers/ on line 614

I can connect to server with Microsoft sql server manager and Navicat

Miguel replied 6 years ago

After checking mssql_connect is deprecated, actually for new versions of php and microsoft sql server drivers function is sqlsrv_connect. Is there any update on phpgrid for this?


Abu Ghufran Staff answered 6 years ago

It is recommended to use ‘mssqlnative’ extension instead of ‘mssql’.
The older one is outdated by Microsoft & PHP.

To install:

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Abu Ghufran Staff replied 6 years ago

If you have extension installed and enabled, You only need to change type to:
$db_conf[“type”] = “mssqlnative”;

Miguel replied 6 years ago


Thanks Abu

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