multi-select with scroll=true

Questionsmulti-select with scroll=true
Michiel Blotwijk asked 5 years ago

Hello Abu,

I have a grid with more than 10k rows, so I use scroll=true. When i filter for some value and then click on “select all”, it only selects the visible records. Is there a way to select also the hidden records?

The only work around I found is to first scroll all the way down so all records are loaded and then select them. This is not something I can ask from my users.



1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago

A workaround could be to increase page size: e.g. 500

$opt[“rowNum”] = 500;


So now it will load new rows in a group of 500 when scrolled down. Most likely your filtered rows are less than this number. And if not you can further increase it.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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