Multiple Grids in separate folders

QuestionsMultiple Grids in separate folders
Peter Allen asked 8 years ago

I would be using the phpgrid on one web site that may have several different sections displaying data from different tables and databases. Let's assume I have the registered version (but right now I have the free version right at the moment).

Here is how I was thinking of installing phpgrid:

Server root:

Phpgrid location:
"wwwphpgrid" <– Main phpgrid code here

Module #1 of my app:

Module #2 of my app:

In this case lets say then that I want two different grids with different tables.

What files would I have in each module (folder) I am pretty sureit would be at least the one PHP file with the phpgrid properties?

would I have a separate config.php in each folder that points to the phpgrid and indicate the different table/view for each grid?

Thank you so much for the help!

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

What you will need is:

1) Place 'lib' folder and config.php in wwwphpgrid
2) In module1, create a grid php file e.g. grid1.php
2) In module2, create a grid php file e.g. grid2.php

In both files, you will include config.php and lib/inc/jqgrid_dist.php files, as

And set different table config inside grid1.php and grid2.php

Hope it help.

peter mostmans answered 8 years ago

Abu. For reference right now phpgrid is in folder "phpgrid-org" on my local Apache server. The demo version works just fine. I used the file you indicated,, "index.php" and changed the following lines to match those of the griddemo for now. The password is the same although it doesn't show here.


// Database config file to be passed in phpgrid constructor
$db_conf = array(
"mysql" => PHPGRID_DBTYPE,
"localhost" => PHPGRID_DBHOST,
"griddemo" => PHPGRID_DBNAME

$g = new jqgrid($db_conf);

And again the remainder of index.php hasn't changed and I call this file "grid1.php" for now. I am getting the error:

ADONewConnection: Unable to load database driver ''

My location on my server for grid1.php is "/recipedirectory/catalog/grid1.php"

I can't seam to see an error, although, there must be one. What am I missing? Thank you!

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

Correct $db_conf array will be like:

$db_conf = array();
$db_conf["type"] = "mysqli"; // mysql,oci8(for oracle),mssql,postgres,sybase
$db_conf["server"] = "localhost";
$db_conf["user"] = "DBUser";
$db_conf["password"] = "PASS";
$db_conf["database"] = "griddemo";

$grid = new jqgrid($db_conf);

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