Multiple multi-select checkbox filters

QuestionsMultiple multi-select checkbox filters
Ben asked 10 years ago

I am using a phpgrid with 13 columns and each column has a multi-select checkbox filter on it.

This works great except for one thing.

If you choose a value in column 1 (for example), we don't want any checkbox options to appear in any of the remaining columns that could return an empty result set if checked in combination with the value that was checked in column 1.

Is it possible to remove values that appear in multi-select checkbox lists that would lead to no results?

Thanks for your help!

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago


It is not supported and may need some core level changes.
We're using following lib:

You can check possibility in it's documentation and do changes in lib (jqgrid_dist.php => function link_multiselect)

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