In previous Version this code worked, hat all words on site were set to UTF8: mysql_query(\”SET NAMES \’utf8\’\”); In new php-Version I see \”M�nchen\” instead of \”München\”. What is the correspondence for this line in mysql for the same effect?
In previous Version this code worked, that all words on site were set to UTF8:
mysql_query(”SET NAMES ’utf8’”);
In new php-Version I get charset errors like \”M�nchen\” instead of \”München\”. Thus, what is the correspondence for this line in mysqli to get the right charset?
If you are using it for phpgrid, it is included inside library to use UTF8 as default encoding.
If you using independently, we can refer:
mysqli_set_charset($link, “utf8”)
where $link is $link = mysqli_connect(…);