Navigate rows using up/down arrow keys and scroll = true not load next rows

QuestionsNavigate rows using up/down arrow keys and scroll = true not load next rows
Adrian asked 3 years ago


It’s possible to use scroll = true and when navigate in grid with down arrow to load next rows?

e.g.:  rowNum = 20 and scroll is true; When I press down arrow on 20th row I need to automatically load next 20 rows and go to the 21th row.

Now, when I press down arrow on last displayed record, go to the first row on the top grid

Please help!

Thank you,

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago


Apologies for the delay. It might also need a JS file update which I’ll be emailing.

You can try following in set_options() function:

$opt["scroll"] = true;
$opt["scrollingRows"] = true;
Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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