Hello I have defined the following event on selecting a row
$grid[“form”][“nav”] = true;
$e[“js_on_select_row”] = “do_onselect”;
function do_onselect(rid){
grid.jqGrid(“viewGridRow”, rid, {});
Now this works great but the navigation buttons in the modal popup seem not to relate to any order like they are displayed, with or without filter. So next goes to another record to highlight & display but not the next in the grid.
Is there a way to make the navigation in the modal display form work in sequence? Or force the sequence?
I’ll be updating you back after regenerating the screnaio.
Thanks! I realize that I have also a sort defined, like.
$grid[“sortname”] = ‘Date’;
$grid[“sortorder”] = “asc”;
Maybe this sort is not maintained in this navigation. Just thinking now about this, Not sure how to test yet.
I tried to regenerate the case but it’s working as expected, means view dialog navigation matches the selection of rows on grid and with sequence.
Please share screencast showing the issue and the related grid code.
Also make sure you have first column of the grid set to PK or unique, so as to separate each row from other.