Need alternate row color for each order

QuestionsNeed alternate row color for each order
Danish asked 12 years ago

First i am thankful you & your team for giving us the great phpgrid. Its really good / owsum. I have one problem i hope you will help me for resolving my issue.

I have different types of order status like done,pending,process,delivered. I want to show each row with showing color like
done = grey color
pending =red color
process = yellow color
deliverd = red color

i am working on "jqgrid_dist.php" file but i didnt find the loop of rows. can you tell me what function or loop showing records. if you tell me i will control it through if conditions. I will be thankful for help me on this issue.

6 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Thanks for the appreciation. The conditional formatting of rows is still in development.
And it is planned to upcoming release.

There is no loop for records, as data arrives as json format, and core jqgrid lib, renders it. What we can do is to iterate using jquery dom to row that matches your condition, and set background color style for TR.


– Abu

Danish answered 12 years ago

Hi Abu,

Thanks for promptly reply, can you help me on other way for doing this because I am stuck in this. Your positive reply will highly be appreciated.


Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

This feature is related to conditional formatting of cell and rows which is under dev. and planned for upcoming version.

Brendan Flanagan answered 12 years ago

This would be very useful for me as well

adarsh answered 12 years ago


I am trying to remove upper search text control. Can you please help me how can to remove it.


Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

This feature is released now. Details are available on blog updates.

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