Need support to reload specific grid after clone

QuestionsNeed support to reload specific grid after clone
Alexander asked 3 years ago


I’ve a page with 2 grids. In the first grid there is a custom on_after_clone function that insert a record in the second grid. I need to refresh automatically the second grid after the clone operation, but I don’t know how.
There isn’t a $grid[“clone_options”] like add, edit or delete. It is possible to implement?


1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago

Currently there is no JS callback for clone operation.
It reloads the active grid by default.

What you can try is to connect grid2 reload function on the load event of grid1. It will reload grid2 each time grid1 is refreshed. Not a perfect solution but It might solve your case.

e.g. in set_options parameter of grid1, set:

$opt["loadComplete"] = "function(){ jQuery('#grid2').trigger('reloadGrid',[{current:true}]); }";
Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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