nested subgrids

Questionsnested subgrids
Torin asked 2 years ago

i want to create three nested subgrids. each of the related tables as a unique id has a column called id.
So I gave an alias to the id column say detail_id
I set
$opt_pp[“subGrid”] = true;
$opt_pp[“subgridurl”] = “grid_price_subgrid_init.php”;
$opt_pp[“subgridparams”] = “detail_id”;

And the dependent subgrid (the one with grid_prices_subgrid_init.php) can’t read detail_id

if (!empty($_POST[“detail_id”]))
$_SESSION[“detail_id”] = $_POST[“detail_id”];
$detail_id = $_SESSION[“detail_id”];

I get sql error:
here’s an excerpt
WHERE project_id = GROUP BY employee

and the sql code looks like:
WHERE project_id = $detail_id GROUP BY employee


What to do???

2 Answers
Torin answered 2 years ago

I will answer myself ๐Ÿ™‚
$opt_pp[“subgridparams”] = “detail_id”;
we read through
$detail_id = $_REQUEST[“detail_id”];
not via $_POST or $_SESSION
Now it is working!

Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 years ago

Thanks for the update.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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