Not working Custom Events

QuestionsNot working Custom Events
Oleg asked 12 years ago

Hello. I use the Custom Events in the Full (Premium) Version of the PHPGrid.

If I define сustom-event-handler (e.g. on_data_display) in case of $col["on_data_display"] = array(…) and the second argument – the name of the class = all works !

If I define сustom-event-handler (e.g. on_data_display) in case of grid-set_events… and the second argument – null (I use a global function) = all works !

BUT! If I define сustom-event-handler (e.g. on_data_display) in case of $grid-set_events… and the second argument – the name of the class = custom event ignore !
Help please, thank you.

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

The second argument is class-object. Class name wont work.
You can pass in this way.

$e["on_update"] = array("update_client", new myclass(), false);

Oleg answered 12 years ago

Yes, it works! Thank you!

NOTE: but the same solution for the handler in the parameters of the column ($ col ["on_data_display"] = array ("filter_display", сlass-as-object); does not work – in this case, you must use the $ col ["on_data_display"] = array ("filter_display", "сlassname-as-string") – I checked)

Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

Noted, will sync all conventions.

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