[oci8] How to set up DatabaseCharacterSet?

Questions[oci8] How to set up DatabaseCharacterSet?
Miroslaw Merena asked 11 years ago

Is it possible to set up AL32UTF8 character set (or other) at Oracle DB connection? PHP oci_connect() function has $character_set parameter, but jqgrid() constructor it hasn't…

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

You can change charset using following code.

$g = new jqgrid(…);

This lib uses adodb wrapper as database layer. So more help from there.

Miroslaw Merena answered 11 years ago

Thanks, adodb-doc helped me.

While SetCharSet($charset):
"This is database driver specific and only supported for mysql, mysqlt, mysqli, and also postgres7 and later."

"You can also set the charSet for Oracle 9.2 and later, supported since PHP 4.3.2, ADOdb 4.54:
$conn->charSet = 'we8iso8859p1';

So I modified jqgrid(…) constructor:

$this->con->charSet = $db_conf["charset"];
$this->con->Connect($db_conf["server"], $db_conf["user"], $db_conf["password"], $db_conf["database"]);

and works fine 😉

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