On_delete event issue

QuestionsOn_delete event issue
C3media asked 5 years ago

Hello Abu,

I am trying to use On_delete event but not works.

Code: https://gist.github.com/c3media/9240d9ff5f5c4eb0ea897aec2454b838

Screenshot issue: https://imgur.com/SMV47hR

3 Answers
Abu answered 5 years ago


In screenshot I can see that it does not have field ticket_id in parameters for event handler.


The delete event only get the key field as delete row id. You need to fetch rest data using this id and then use in your code.

C3media answered 5 years ago

Hello Abu i have don changes, the idea is to delete the value from foreign table column.

Refer code: https://gist.github.com/c3media/9240d9ff5f5c4eb0ea897aec2454b838



C3media answered 5 years ago

Sorry, it is to update the value in the foreign table column based in previous value to delete

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