On_delete not working

QuestionsOn_delete not working
Greg asked 9 years ago


I have recently upgraded to v2.0 of the grid and I am trying to use the on_delete function to do a soft-delete instead (i.e., an update) when clicked.

When I run this code and click delete, the delete box just keeps showing and doesn't do anything – it just hangs.

Here is the code.

$e["on_delete"] = array("delete_deactivate", null, false);

function delete_deactivate($data)
global $grid;
$DeactiveQuery = "UPDATE schedule SET state ='I' WHERE scheduleid = {$data["scheduleid"]}";


Where scheduleid is the name of the field in the database.

Thank you – Greg.

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Please check debugger console (f12) to javascript errors.
Looks like some text is printed in ajax call response causing JSON to break.

print_r(); should also be removed.

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