onchange – change 3 fields

Questionsonchange – change 3 fields
Caroline asked 8 years ago


In my add-in form, I have a dropdown list of my clients. When I choose a client, I want to update 3 fields automatically. A drop-down list and 2 text fields. Is it possible?

I tried with "onchange", "update_fields", "callback" and nothing works.

"onchange" => array( "sql"=>"SELECT asso.id as k, ref.nom as v, c.codez, c.adresse FROM asso_clients_equipements asso INNER JOIN ref_equipements ref ON ref.id=asso.fk_id_equipement INNER JOIN clients c ON c.id=asso.fk_id_client WHERE fk_id_client = '{fk_id_client}'",

function update_info(data)
o = jQuery('.ui-search-toolbar select[name=fk_id_asso_client_equip]').get();
o.event = 'onload'; fx_get_dropdown(o,'fk_id_asso_client_equip',1);

// fill dropdown 1 based on row data
o = jQuery('select[name=fk_id_asso_client_equip]').get();
o.event = 'onload'; fx_get_dropdown(o,'fk_id_asso_client_equip');




1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

onupdate and callback combination should work here.

Following lines should fill the 2 fields names where $col["name"] are codez and adresse.



Dropdown down should be filled in same manner.

Other code like:

o = jQuery('.ui-search-toolbar select[name=fk_id_asso_client_equip]').get();
o.event = 'onload'; fx_get_dropdown(o,'fk_id_asso_client_equip',1);

// fill dropdown 1 based on row data
o = jQuery('select[name=fk_id_asso_client_equip]').get();
o.event = 'onload'; fx_get_dropdown(o,'fk_id_asso_client_equip');

is not really required and used when you need dependent dropdown.

You can refer demos/dropdown-callback.php code for working demo.

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