OnChange of dropdown in add/edit

QuestionsOnChange of dropdown in add/edit
varun asked 12 years ago

Need to set the onchange event of dropdown 1 in add/edit which results in change of dropdown2(similar to country-state dropdowns,where we select country in dropdown1 and expected states of respective country shuld be diplayed),well i wann to display dropdown1 from database,the dropdown 2 shuld take values from database but based on dropdown 1 selection…… How?

6 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago


Kindly send me the payment email. I'll send your updated lib and demo of this feature.
If you have not yet paid, this is part of paid version.

Andy answered 12 years ago

please send this example


Samuel Ngari answered 12 years ago


I have a similar request. I already made a payment?


Abu Ghufran answered 12 years ago

I've emailed you an update.

Davi Plns answered 11 years ago

Hi Abu,

I'm trying to develop a similar solution that Varun described in this question.
Can you send me a link to see your solution?

Thank you,

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