Own language to col title

QuestionsOwn language to col title
C3media asked 7 years ago


There is a way to create my own language based in col title, for example:
$col["title"] = "Estado"; then when change language show it.

Thank you!

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 7 years ago

You can put IF, ELSE IF calls for it. There is no built in support for this.

if ($lang == 'en')
$col1_title = "test";
else if ($lang == 'de')
$col1_title = "test-de";
else if ($lang == 'es')
$col1_title = "test-es";

and then use it in column title,
$col["title"] = $col1_title;

C3media answered 7 years ago

Ok Abu,

This is my code to change language, based in change styles:

//Create language array
$language = array("english","spanish","italy");
$j = rand(0,8);

// if set from page
if (is_numeric($_GET["languageid"]))
$j = $_GET["languageid"];
$j = 1;


//Add string folder from array to path library languages
<script src="lib/js/jqgrid/js/i18n/<?php echo $language[$j] ?>.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

//Then in body

<form method="get">
Change language: <select name="languageid" onchange="form.submit()">
<?php foreach($language as $l=>$u) { ?>
<option value=<?php echo $l?> <?php echo ($j==$l)?"selected":"1"?>><?php echo ucwords($u)?></option>
<?php } ?>

Finally, ¿may to add sentence if in file spanish.js for example?
I believe it's more suitable.

Thank you!

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