
Hamid Yousefi asked 7 months ago

I\’m mounting a grid from a User table where it is stored both the user, user name and last name, email, phone and the password. It\’s like a profile section. The user will be able to change his name, email and even the password. However, when the user perform a change only on the email address somehow the password get messed-up on the Database. Do you have any idea what is going on and how to prevent that ? Regards,

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 7 months ago


I can tell only after reviewing the code.

My best guess is, It may happen if you have some database triggers set OR if you are using on_update event handler and have custom password logic there. Another possibility is, if you are storing hashed password, it may be getting rehashed on update.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Abu Ghufran Staff replied 7 months ago

You can share the code at and share the link here OR email me at [email protected]

Igor Girao answered 5 months ago


I created a function for this, see if it solves your problem.


WhatsApp Image 2024-10-01 at 09.24.29.jpeg
$e = array();
$e[“on_insert”] = array(“insert_md5”, null, true);
$e[“on_update”] = array(“update_md5”, null, true);

function update_md5($data){

global $g;

$rs    = $g->get_one($xSql);
$xId   = $rs[‘ID’];
$xPass = $rs[‘PASSWORD’];

$xPassNew = $data[“params”][“PASSWORD”];

if ($data[“ID”] == $_SESSION[‘SEFAZ_ID’]){

if (($xPass == md5($data[“params”][“PASSWORD”])) || empty($xPassNew) ){
$data[“params”][“PASSWORD”] = $xPass;
} else {
$data[“params”][“PASSWORD”] = md5($data[“params”][“PASSWORD”]);


if (empty($xPassNew)){
$data[“params”][“PASSWORD”] = $xPass;
$data[“params”][“PASSWORD”] = md5($data[“params”][“PASSWORD”]);



function insert_md5($data){

$data[“params”][“PASSWORD”] = md5($data[“params”][“PASSWORD”]);


Hamid answered 5 months ago

thnaks :))

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