PDF export and strip HTML tags

QuestionsPDF export and strip HTML tags
biowan asked 9 years ago


I just renew my license yesterday 🙂
So I configured some information in grid with color with HTML code, when I export it in PDF file, I get visible HTML code in the PDF. Is it possible to do a strip_tags before exportation ?

Thanks for your reply.

4 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Here is sample solution code for your case that removes html tags in pdf.


biowan answered 9 years ago

Thanks for your reply Abu,

I'm not sure to understand. Do you mean to use the function set_pdf_format() ?
There is methods for the pdf format $pdf, but I don't see method for $data.

Thanks for precision.

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

You only need to set following with html tag column.

$col["on_data_display"] = array("display_comp","");

function display_comp($data)
if (isset($_GET["export"]))
return $data["company"];
return "<font color='red'>".$data["company"]."</font>";

If function callback, i've skipped html tags if GET array has export variable.

biowan answered 9 years ago

Ok, it works, but not perfectly.
Maybe I must use the grouping on the field. But it's ok.

Thanks Abu.

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