Persist Settings

QuestionsPersist Settings
Stephen Hartigan asked 10 years ago

Hi I'm using the persists settings code, but I cannot get the grid to remember the filters, any refresh removes the filters and returns the grid to the first page. If I page through the grid and do not filter then the page is remembered but any filter breaks this.

I'm using these settings:

var opts = {
"stateOptions": {
storageKey: "gridState-list1",
columns: true, // remember column chooser settings
filters: true, // search filters
selection: true, // row selection
expansion: true, // subgrid expansion
pager: true, // page number
order: true // field ordering

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Some issue exist in filters persistence. I'm working on this issue.
Are you using toolbar filters or search dialog?

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Kindly replace the source of jqgrid-state.js with following. Updated plugin support toolbar filter persistence.

<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script

And for search dialog persistance, set search to advance.


"search" => "advance",

Demo here:

Stephen Hartigan answered 10 years ago

Hi Abu,
Both but mostly toolbar filters.
Any help appreciated.

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