Persist Settings Filters being passed to SubGrid Select

QuestionsPersist Settings Filters being passed to SubGrid Select
Mike Sheppard asked 2 years ago

I use persist settings for column layout and searching that also have a Master/Detail, or SubGrid report.

If I reload a page with persist settings and a search criteria, that criteria is being passed to all the sub-grids.

Can I disable this some how? I only want the master report to use the persist setting search filters.




2 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 2 years ago


If you set persist option with var opts_list1 = {} (where list1 is grid id), it will have the options only for that grid. This is alternate way as we usually set var opts = {};


Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Mike answered 2 years ago

This works perfectly.

Thank you!


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