PHP Data Grid MYSQL Disable

QuestionsPHP Data Grid MYSQL Disable
Kimz asked 11 years ago

I have downloaded PHP Grid from this URL. (free) I can now connect to db and see the table list and all. Now, what I want to do is, I don't want the user to edit the primary key for each row in Add and Edit functionality. I have went through the forum and FAQ in their website, but still the code is not working Here is my code – The Primary ID SHOULD NOT BE EDITABLE anywhere (inline edit, add & edit functionality).

$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "password");
mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'");
$g = new jqgrid();
$grid["caption"] = "Book(s)";
$grid["multiselect"] = false;

$grid["add_options"]["beforeInitData"] = "function(formid) { $('#list1').jqGrid('setColProp','b_id',{editable:false}); }";
$grid["add_options"]["afterShowForm"] = "function(formid) { $('#list1').jqGrid('setColProp','b_id',{editable:false}); }";

"add"=>true, // allow/disallow add
"edit"=>true, // allow/disallow edit
"delete"=>true, // allow/disallow delete
"rowactions"=>false, // show/hide row wise edit/del/save option

$g->table = "books";
$out = $g->render("list1");
How to make the column b_id not editable. If possible, I will be happy if the inline edit is disabled for all the fields Thanks, Kimz

3 Answers
SirShadow answered 11 years ago

In here you will find your answer:

You can use very easy like this

$g = new jqgrid();
$grid["caption"] = "Book(s)";
$grid["multiselect"] = false;

$col = array();
$col["name"] = "b_id";
$col["editable"] = false; //this will tell that this col is not editable
$cols[] = $col;

// ++ Other col

SirShadow answered 11 years ago

For inline edit (I started working yesterday with the grid 🙂 ) I think you can put in




Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

To disable PK editing, you have to define columns of grid (using set_columns function), and set the primary key column as
$col["hidden"] = false;

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