PHP Grid Export to CSV

QuestionsPHP Grid Export to CSV
Deepesh Kumar R asked 8 years ago

Hello Abu,

I need to export all the records to CSV File(In phpgrid). I am using free version. How can I add only export feature in free version without buying premium. I just want only export feature. How can I add the custom code for getting the feature. So cab you please please help me to fix the issue. I need this feature in free version. We are unable to afford buying.So please help me.

Hope you will help.

Thanks and Regards
Deepesh Kumar R

6 Answers
M Sai kumar answered 8 years ago

This is my code. Please have a look at it.Please help me to find the solution.

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

You can have your export code and connect it with input button postback.

M Sai kumar answered 8 years ago

Sorry I didn't get you. If you don't mind could you please explain it? Because I am new to this.

Please help me. I am sitting with this for past 3 days. Please help me finding the solution.

If Possible code..


M Sai kumar answered 8 years ago


I don't have an idea on how to integrate the same in phpgrid . So Please help me.

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

We're very much occupied with premium custom support and can't help in this.
You will need to manually implement csv export.

You can try searching google / stackoverflow.

Thanks for understanding.

Rob answered 8 years ago

Why not pay the very reasonable fee for the commercial supported version? Anyway surely you have other options for getting a CSV dump of (part of?) your database. For example use a tool like phpMyAdmin. Alternatively write a bit of PHP code to do what you need, it's not all that difficult.

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