PHPExcel/Jqgrid_dist: instead of my error message jqGrid try closing PHPExcel (already closed by me)

QuestionsPHPExcel/Jqgrid_dist: instead of my error message jqGrid try closing PHPExcel (already closed by me)
Massimo Gagliardi asked 9 years ago

Curious behavior:
In a my script I use PHPExcel to retrieve data that subsequently I use to populate a detail subgrid.
Once the read the data I close PHPExcel with:
(i tried also with:
If there is a content (through the data acquisition) not correct I use the phpgrid_error(…) to show an error msg.
Via xDebug + notepad++ dbgp I discovered that jqgrid, before the die(msg) instruction, tries to close PHPExcel obj and leaves the focus on the error msg, that doesn't show anymore.

Where is the trouble?

Have you some suggestion?

Thanks in advance
Massimo Gagliardi

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

Please send full code for review, and the screenshot of the issue you are facing.
You can email me at [email protected]

Massimo Gagliardi answered 9 years ago

Probably my phpgrid_dist wasn't update to last version.
Now everything works.
Thank you.

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