PHPGrid Column Filteration Issue

QuestionsPHPGrid Column Filteration Issue
Narinder asked 10 years ago


I am using php grid to show records. There is column name 'store name' showing the names of stores. I want to show store names on phpgrid but while searching i want to use store_id in case of search filtration.


3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

You can use:

$col["dbname"] = "store_id";

This will be used in WHERE clause.

Narinder answered 10 years ago

Hi Abu Ghufran,

Thanks for your assistance.
But I doesn't find out the right solution, I used
$col["dbname"] = "store_id"; but I want to show the store name in grid listing instead of store_id.

I want store name in grid listing and editing filtration with store_id

Narinder Singh

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Please refer demos/appearance/dropdown.php code sample.

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