PHPGrid in WordPress

QuestionsPHPGrid in WordPress
Shaun Anderson asked 11 years ago


I am trying to integrate PHPGrid into WordPress. The demos provided with the Developer purchase work on my development server standalone (outside of wordpress) but when I try to integrate them into a wordpress template they produce an error that has the all the mysql data in an error message and not in the grid.

Perhaps I have jquery or another javascript library already installed within wordpress and this is creating a conflict?

I have tried using the PHPGrid WordPress plug-in but with the code I just purchased but that doesn’t work at all.

Is anyone able to help with this?

Thanks in advance

13 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

UPDATE June 2019: Refer this tutorial for using PHP Grid Framework in WordPress.

Replied you the possible solution on email.

Theofanis Markou answered 11 years ago

I checked the free version of phpgrid control and I have to admit that I am impressed. But I use the control as a standalone application using MySQL database. I would like to upload the control as a plugin (somehow) in a WordPress application.

Please, I would like someone to inform me if I can do that with the free version or I have to buy another one for WordPress and how to do that (documentation). If I have to buy, how can I get it.

Thanks in advance.

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Currently, the wordpress plugin is in beta stages. So we're not selling it and adding features based on inputs.
If you wish to test-run it in wordpress with free version, i can email you a copy.

When you want to use advance features, You can buy a license and override the 'lib' files to upgrade.

Benjamin answered 11 years ago

I'm really interessted in PHPGrid working in WordPress.
Is that possible? … or, when will you have a stable version of a plugin ?
Thanks ..

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

Hello Benjamin,

I've emailed you an updated plugin (not officially released)
Refer readme.txt for help.

Talha answered 10 years ago

I am facing the similar issue, I am integrating phpgrid in WordPress blank template, it gives an error :

{"page":"1","total":2,"records":"14","rows":[{"id":"18","invdate":"2007-10-01","name":"Maria Anders","note":"Invoice with total 120.00","total":"120.00","closed":"No","view_more":"</a>"},{"id":"13","invdate":"2007-10-06","name":"Antonio Moreno","note":"Invoice with total ………

Any pointers ? Can we do it without using the wordpress plugin (which you have mentioned in the thread above). Is it possible to integrate in wordpress as a page template ?

Many Thanks!

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Please check for white spaces before JSON data and remove them.

Talha answered 10 years ago

Thanks a ton!

That resolves the major issue of integration WP integration. However, I am experiencing two new minor problems here:

1) "Hide/Show Columns" button in the tool bar is not click-able.
2) "View More" link in the grid rows is not visible, hence cannot open the popup or new window.

Thanks again!

Talha answered 10 years ago

Forgot to share the code link:

Furthermore, I have discovered that integration works only when the WP Plugin is installed, although I have the library files in place but still it reference js and css files from the installed plugin directory.

Did I miss something ? Please let me know if I implemented it incorrectly.


Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Looks like there is some JS conflict that it causing this issue.
Please do firebug console for possible JS errors.

Alternate way is to update JS / CSS files with the latest version at all locations.

Nathan Wright answered 9 years ago

Hi, is there any update on the WP plugin? Alternatively do you have any docs on how to use the current PHP Grid version in a WP project? Thanks

Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago


It's almost in final stages. If you want to test-run it, you can get it from github and follow the instructions.

Nhung Pham answered 9 years ago

Hi Abu Ghufran ,
I tested run phpgrid in WP plugin .I are using the grid in several places with different lookups but can't do this.Can i help you?

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