phpgrid_error not working when dialog is already up

Questionsphpgrid_error not working when dialog is already up
peter mostmans asked 11 years ago


I'm using the phpgrid_error function to communicate an error msg to the user
in the 'on_delete' custom function. In that case the dialog is not showing
the text I passed as a parameter to the phpgrid_error function, because there is already another dialog on the screen. When you click the 'delete' a dialog pops up asking if you're sure to delete the selected records. When using the phpgrid_error in 'on_delete' function, next msg is given : 'error Status: "Internal Error". Error code: 500.

In other functions like 'on_insert' the phpgrid_error is working fine.

8 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

I am unable to generate this issue. Working as expected here.

$e["on_delete"] = array("del", null, false);

function del($d)
phpgrid_error("You don't have rights to delete");

David answered 11 years ago

Hi Abu,

same issue here with the last build.

but only when you click delete button from action column , if you click delete icon from footer row , phpgrid_error work fine.

probably because dialog box is already open ?

Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago


I've regenerated + resolved this issue emailed you the updated build.

Domingo Bermejo answered 10 years ago

Hi Abu,

I have the same issue. Can you send me the solution?


Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Update emailed.

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

It's fixed in v1.5.2. Updates can be requested via email.
PS: Chao, emailed you update.

Chao Shun Jenq answered 10 years ago

Hi Abu,

I have the same issue too.


Nandu Rajesh answered 9 years ago

I have the same issue .

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