Popup and display info

QuestionsPopup and display info
saboteur asked 1 year ago


I’m new GRID4PHP but not html, css, javascript etc.

I have a master detail grid but think the detail grid is overkill as it’s only used for showing the ‘long description’ that is linked to the master grid.

Is there a way to show this in a modal/pop up read only form ?

Thanks for any help.



2 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 1 year ago


This is doable by some custom JS code, not internally supported by library.

To do manually, following steps will be required:

  • Add a virtual column to have a link of “show detail” on each row.
  • Connect a js function with that link and pass the row id
  • In the js callback function, you can call a php script passing the row id as querystring
  • Use the modal / popup library code to show the returned response of ajax to show in popup.

If you stuck at some place, you can share the code related files and I can suggest the changes.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 1 year ago

Another option is to use, subgrid:


But in subgrid-detail.php, instead of adding grid related code, you can have your own php code.

Which reads the ID from the querystring and print the details.


Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
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