Porblem with posting parameter to subgrid

QuestionsPorblem with posting parameter to subgrid
Boján Mihajlov asked 8 years ago

Hi, my problem is when I'm trying to post a parameter with special characters to the subgrid from a master grid( using $opt["subgridparams"]) I'm getting error empty error message. If I check in my browser developer view the Query Parameter settings, I can see that those parameters which have anything else beside simple latin characters, there it is unable to decode value.
So fro example if I it is 'Mezőkövesd' then it has this problem because of ő and ö in it.
Is it posssible to solve this somehow?

4 Answers
Boján Mihajlov answered 8 years ago

Ok, I found the solution. When posting data to subgrid, use urlencode.
$opt["subgridparams"] = urlencode("city, first_name, last_name");

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago


Can you email me code and database sql dump (test data) to regenerate case?
You can email me at [email protected]

Boján Mihajlov answered 8 years ago

I was wrong. Using urlencode only prevents data from posting it to the subgrid. I used not utf8_decode in subgrid, it works but I have '?' sign at the place of special characters. So I'm still seeking answer for this one.

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

Is your issue resolved?
I am unable to get the result of this ticket and also can't find your direct email.

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