Position the showhidecolumns

QuestionsPosition the showhidecolumns
Stephen asked 5 years ago

I need to position the showhidecolumns  and other modal notifications to the top of the screen instead of center, as I have a lot of records on screen and do not want the user to have to scroll down.

I used:

$grid[“form”][“position”] = “all”;

And that works for ad, edit, search, however notifications and column selector are still centred…

Can you help?

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 5 years ago

Instead of above, you can have this JS code that will reset dialog centering function.

jQuery.fn.abscenter = function () {};
jQuery.fn.fixedcenter = function () {};

It should remove the center positioning logic all together and make all dialogs on left-top.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Abu Ghufran Staff replied 5 years ago

You can put it in an script tag before body closing tag.

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