Primary key search in grid not working when i'm using inner join in query

QuestionsPrimary key search in grid not working when i'm using inner join in query
Alén asked 8 years ago

I used a select_command like:

$a->select_command = "SELECT $t1.Contract, $t1.Name, $t1.Text, $t2.ID, $t2.Model FROM $t1 INNER JOIN $t2 WHERE $t1.Contrat = $t2.Contrat ";

When i search from Name, Text, ID or Model I don't have any problems but I can't search for Contract. When I try it Grid return: "Couldn't execute query. Column 'Contrato' in where clause is ambiguous" […]

Anyone knows why it's not working?

Thank you for helping.

2 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago


You need to set dbname property to resolve ambiguity.
You can specify exact table.field then it will be used in where clause.
With contrato column,

$col["name"] = "Contrat";
$col["dbname"] = "$t1.Contrat";

Alén answered 8 years ago


thank you this solution works perfectly.

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