Problem formatting columns

QuestionsProblem formatting columns
josep asked 10 years ago

I have a problem with the css formatting.
Working with phpgrid whose data charge from an array.
Some cells have the propieda blackground different color depending on its value

$ f = array ();
$ f ["column"] = "activity";
$ f ["op"] = "=";
$ f ["value"] = "MA";
$ f ["cellcss"] = "'background-color': '# FF33FF'";
$ f_conditions [] = $ f;

$ f = array ();
$ f ["column"] = "activity";
$ f ["op"] = "=";
$ f ["value"] = "A0";
$ f ["cellcss"] = "'background-color': '# FFCC99'";
$ f_conditions [] = $ f;

It happens that in generating the colors come out perfectly but are lost in the filtrate. To avoid losing scrooll I put the property to true

$ grid ["scroll"] = true;

but in this case it happens that I can not keep fixed columns.

Is there any solution to maintain fixed columns and paginated without losing the possibility of property $ f ["cellcss"] = "'background-color': '# FFCC99'";


3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

I emailed you working demo local-array.php few days back, kindly check and reply if still not working.

josep answered 10 years ago

The example you sent me does not correspond to the problem that comment because the problem occurs when I set jqGrid with paging and fixed columns at once; if these two conditions are not met working properly; in the example sent no fixed columnads.


Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Emailed you updated jqgrid_dist.php lib.

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