Problem using _ (underscore) in autofilter…

QuestionsProblem using _ (underscore) in autofilter…
Chris asked 9 years ago


using version phpgrid full V2 and have a problem that I didnt have in V1.x

In the dropdown, we have a number of items which we select one to autofilter – when the value has an underscore '_' in it – eg on_order – the filter shows no rows. If you use the full search popup and select field = on_order it works correctly – any ideas?

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago


This bug is fixed now in latest build of full version.
If you are using licensed version, email me your order number on [email protected] for update.

If using free version, you need to wait for next release.

Reason: It was escaping _ with \_ even in = searches and was treating them as like search.

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