Problem with control structure if else in function

QuestionsProblem with control structure if else in function
C3media asked 8 years ago

Hello Mr Abu,

I have this function to make some operations…

function update_data($data)
// you can also use grid object to execute sql, useful in non-mysql driver

// global $grid;
// $grid->execute_query("MY-SQL");
$date1 = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // This is Llegada Col
$date2 = $data["params"]["note"]; //This is Salida Col
// phpgrid_error($data);
//Convert them to timestamps.
$date1Timestamp = strtotime($date1);
$date2Timestamp = strtotime($date2);

//Calculate the difference.
$difference = ($date1Timestamp – $date2Timestamp)/60;
$diferencia= number_format($difference, 0, '.', ',');

$data["params"]["staff_note"] = $date1;

$data["params"]["due_date"] = $diferencia;

(($data["params"]["due_date"]) >= ($data["params"]["reference_no"])){
$data["params"]["updated_by"] = (($data["params"]["due_date"]) – ($data["params"]["reference_no"]));
$data["params"]["updated_by"] = 0;

//Recobro = excedió x 500
$data["params"]["updated_at"] = $data["params"]["updated_by"] * (500);

//subtotal = Recobro
$data["params"]["total_discount"] = $data["params"]["updated_at"];
//total = precio – descuento
$data["params"]["total"] = ($data["params"]["total"] – $data["params"]["product_discount"])+ $data["params"]["total_discount"];
//total = total + subtotal
//$data["params"]["total"] = $data["params"]["total"] + $data["params"]["total_discount"]

$data["params"]["grand_total"] = $data["params"]["total"];

$data["params"]["sale_status"] = "Completed";

$data["params"]["total_tax"] = 0;

$data["params"]["paid"] = $data["params"]["total"];


I'm trying compare two vars in If Else…

Look fine but not works!

Thanks by your help!

4 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

You can debug the variables inside callback … and debug message will come as error.

function update_data($data)


By this you can see what is posted in function and see the actual reason.

C3media answered 8 years ago

Hello Mr. Abu,

I tried it, but give me this issue:

Non using If Else sentence control structure.

Array ( [id] => 125 [params] => Array ( [id] => 125 [date] => 2017-03-05 09:20:00 [customer] => Shopping express [customer_id] => 3 [reference_no] => 10 [total] => 5000.00 [note] => 2017-03-05 09:23:00 [staff_note] => 0000-00-00 00:00:00 [due_date] => 0 [updated_by] => 0 [updated_at] => 0 [product_discount] => 0 [total_tax] => [total_discount] => 5000 ) )

And using If Else page no load show me this:

The localhost page does not work

The localhost page can not process this request now.


I'll look forward for your answer…

Thank you!

Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

You need to debug using this function.
It is not error, it shows what data is coming in function.

You can also debug the 2 expressions of IF and see the result.
This is your custom code, you need to check what is data in

Then check why IF is working or not.

C3media answered 8 years ago

Ok Abu, I decided to resolve it putting manual subtract (final time – inicial time).

Because finally could be ambiguous result for example:

rate time = 30

inicial time= 12:30:00
final time = 12:50:00

time = final time – inicial time

time duration = 20

Time = time duration – rate time

so subtract is: -10

This is my reason by now, I'll try in future!

Thank you

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