Problem with Master-Detail Grid combined with subgrid

QuestionsProblem with Master-Detail Grid combined with subgrid
Gary Wilson asked 3 years ago


I have a master-detail grid and it works fine (mostly). However, the detail grid uses a subgrid. I click on the master grid and the detail grid updates. However, if I open the subgrid on the detail grid, close the subgrid and then go back to clicking on the master, the detail grid stops updating. I am following the documentation fine.

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2 Answers
Abu Ghufran Staff answered 3 years ago

Hello, I have reviewed this issue. The reason is that you have included JS / CSS files in your subgrid detail file as well (comp_price_subgrid.php). As it is loaded in same page, you don\’t need JS files again otherwise it will reset the parent datagrid JS DOM changes. Comment out these and master grid should start updating again.

Abu Ghufran - Dev Team
Grid 4 PHP Framework
Gary Wilson answered 3 years ago

Made the deletion and it works fine. Thanks again.

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