I have problem with prezentation any special character from code page CP 1250.
I'm using UTF-8 in html pages, but DB (MS SQL) is in CP1250.
Most of 'Czech' chacaters is OK, but any is not show, show other character.
I have
" <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />"
in top of page with
"<script src="./phpgrid/lib/js/jqgrid/js/i18n/grid.locale-cs.js" type="text/javascript"></script>"
Could you help me please ?
Please send me some test data (characters) which are not showing.
I'll recheck it on mssql and utf8 option.
this is original test string "žščřě ňůúýáí"
and this is in prezenteation "èøì òùúýáí".
I am still working to find some resolution for your issue.
Unsuccessful till now, i'll update you once ready.
Since your last message, i am working on this case as top priority.
I'll be updating you once some result is achieved.
I have come to a point, that the JSON format b/w js grid and php lib must be in UTF8 format.
And in encoding/decoding the json, the utf8_decode is removing certain characters.
I am still trying some alternates to resolve this and find a better utf8 encode/decode function.
I'm sorry,
but now is big problem for me and my app, because I need to run this app in production enviroment and users cannot see right names and they not use filtering field about this item 🙁