Problems with MSSQL

QuestionsProblems with MSSQL
Harald Geier asked 10 years ago


with the paid version ( 1 Dev ) i try to connect to my SQAL Server. It looks as it can connect.. and can read data ( number of columns equal to table ) but it does not fill the table . All cells look empty

Any ideas ?.. cannot paste code here..


3 Answers
Harald Geier answered 10 years ago

Additional info:

when i dump $g ( from demos ) before the grid is called, i can see that the DATA itself IS rerieved from th sSQL Server :

[_errorCode] => [_queryID] => [_isPersistentConnection] => [_evalAll] => [_affected] => [_logsql] => [_transmode] => ) [db_driver] => mssqlnative [events] => [error_msg] => Some issues occured in this operation, Contact technical support for help ) {"page":"1","total":1,"records":5,"rows":[{"ITEMID":"20105092","PRODID":"400366"},{"ITEMID":"5070712","PRODID":"411620"},{"ITEMID":"5070712","PRODID":"411620"},{"ITEMID":"5070712","PRODID":"411620"},{"ITEMID":"5070712","PRODID":"411620"}]}

still not displayed at all-

Tried it with native and ODBC based SQl Server driver .

I am Stuck here…

Rheal answered 10 years ago

Need to see your Grid Code , to try and fighre out why your cells are empty

Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

Make sure you use exact field name (case sensitive) $col["name"] = 'ITEMID'; which is returned from sql query.
Either make them lower case in query, but the $col["name"] and sql query output fields must be exactly same. It is required for mapping fields and data.

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