Procedure record

QuestionsProcedure record
C3media asked 10 years ago

Hi Abu,

Right now I'm trying to add a custom MySql query for a procedure record; this is query:

$mysqli->query("INSERT INTO TABLE(id) VALUES ($VAR1), ($VAR2), ($VAR3)")) {
echo "Failed insert in TABLE: (" . $mysqli->errno . ") " . $mysqli->error;

My Question: It's possible to assign $VAR1, $VAR2, $VAR3 to fields in grid on insert?



3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

If $VAR1,2,3 are php variables then yes, it is supported and should work.
For debugging, try printing $mysqli->error and see log in ajax response as mentioned in url:

mrssam answered 10 years ago

hello , Thanks Abu Ghufran you have nice script , in this Question you answer yes i possible , can you give us an example please


Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

You can review demos/editing/custom-events.php for using on_insert event handler.
In that, you will see all data posted from phpgrid form is present in $data array.

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