RE: Connection to database

QuestionsRE: Connection to database
Anthony Southwood asked 12 years ago


New to PHPGridControl.

Your code to setup DB uses variable $conn I am already making use of this variable in many of my scripts so there is now a clash! What do I need to edit to replace your use of $conn with a different variable, such as $gConn, so I can remove this clash?


3 Answers
Anthony Southwood answered 12 years ago

Nevermind, solved this one – Just rename variable! (now why didn't I think of that sooner?)


Fabiana answered 11 years ago

Tony do you rename your variable or jqphp variable?



Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

In phpgrid sample code,

$conn = mysql_connect("localhost", "root", "");

You can remove $conn, as it not used in code.

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