Record Limit on Export

QuestionsRecord Limit on Export
Scott Thomas asked 11 years ago


Is there a limit on the amount of data you can export?
I am exporting massive amounts of data, like upwards of 500,000 in a single grid.
I've noticed when I get above 150,000 records, I receive a blank error message and the export doesn't occur. Is this because of the limits of the software or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks much,

3 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 11 years ago

There is no limit in library, however there could be memory limitation on your server.
Also try updating the lib. I'll be sending via email.


Talha answered 10 years ago

I am facing exactly the same issue. Export functions properly when there the records are limited/filtered (I have successfully tried till 10,000) but for the massive export, it fails.

I will be glad if you could provide any solution.


Abu Ghufran answered 10 years ago

For big data export, minimal array manipulation will be required to consume memory efficiently.
For such purpose, we have custom export demo, where you can get all necessary data and parameters and have you own efficient export code.

See demos/export/custom-export.php

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