Refresh the grid after update

QuestionsRefresh the grid after update
Gerd asked 8 years ago


i have defined two buttons in the grid to set or unset a field in the grid. My problem is, that after the update the grid is not refreshed. I want to have the refresh automatically after the update.

here is my code:

$opt["add_options"]["afterSubmit"] = "function(){ window.location.reload(); return [true, ''];}";
$opt["bulkedit_options"]["afterShowForm"] = "function(){ }";

function update_data($data)
// temp grid object to execute sql
$g = new jqgrid();

// If bulk operation is requested, (default otherwise)
if ($data["params"]["bulk"] == "set-desc")
$selected_ids = $data["id"]; // e.g. the selected values from grid 5,7,14 (where "id" is field name of first col)
$str = $data["params"]["data"];

// here you can code your logic to do bulk processing
$g->execute_query("UPDATE invheader SET note = '$str' WHERE id IN ($selected_ids)");

// first param is message, second is autofade after 1 sec (0/1)
phpgrid_msg("Custom Message: Download zip file from <a target='_blank' href=''></a>&quot;,0);
else if ($data["params"]["bulk"] == "send-email")
$selected_ids = $data["id"]; // e.g. the selected values from grid 5,7,14 (where "id" is field name of first col)
// sending email logic

$g->execute_query("UPDATE invheader SET note = 'Email Sent' WHERE id IN ($selected_ids)");
else if ($data["params"]["bulk"] == "add-voting")
$selected_ids = $data["id"]; // e.g. the selected values from grid 5,7,14 (where "id" is field name of first col)
$array_id = explode(",",$selected_ids);

// alle Einträge in Tabelle hhc_voting_titel_auswahl löschen
// Auswahl aus GRID in Tabelle hhc_voting_titel_auswahl einfügen

#$g->execute_query("DELETE from hhc_voting_titel_auswahl WHERE hhc_voting_titel_auswahl.fk_hhc_voting_id_voting=".$_GET['id_voting']."");

foreach ($array_id as $value)
$query = "INSERT INTO hhc_voting_titel_auswahl
, fk_hhc_titel_id_titel
, dt_auswahl_titel
, dt_geaendert_am
, fk_geaendert_durch
, dt_angelegt_am
, fk_angelegt_durch
VALUES ('".$_GET['id_voting']."',

$str = $data["params"]["data"];
#$g->execute_query("UPDATE invheader SET total = '$str'");
else if ($data["params"]["bulk"] == "del-voting")
$selected_ids = $data["id"]; // e.g. the selected values from grid 5,7,14 (where "id" is field name of first col)
$array_id = explode(",",$selected_ids);

// alle Einträge in Tabelle hhc_voting_titel_auswahl löschen
// Auswahl aus GRID in Tabelle hhc_voting_titel_auswahl einfügen

foreach ($array_id as $value)
$query = "DELETE from hhc_voting_titel_auswahl WHERE hhc_voting_titel_auswahl.fk_hhc_voting_id_voting=".$_GET['id_voting']
." and fk_hhc_titel_id_titel =".$value ;

$str = $data["params"]["data"];
#$g->execute_query("UPDATE invheader SET total = '$str'");

5 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago


By default the grid do refresh after each add/update operation.
If it is not doing it, please check for some JS error in browser debug console (F12).

+ In your code, following lines are just for demo purpose.

// If bulk operation is requested, (default otherwise)
if ($data["params"]["bulk"] == "set-desc")
$selected_ids = $data["id"]; // e.g. the selected values from grid 5,7,14 (where "id" is field …..
$g->execute_query("UPDATE invheader SET note = 'Email Sent' WHERE id IN ($selected_ids)");

Gerd answered 8 years ago

Hallo Abu,

i have send you an email with the whole php-file and a description what i want to do to [email protected] . Did you get it ?


Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago

Yes, i am reviewing it. I'll be updating you on email.

Gerd answered 8 years ago

Hallo Abu,

thank you for your help.

I have uploaded my scripts to the provider and there it works fine.

I have you send the link inan email, please have a look.

My Test environment is:
– xampp
– PhpED from Nusphere 17.x
– Windows 10

have you any idee, why it doesn't work in my Test ?

Can i change the message after Update?



Abu Ghufran answered 8 years ago


I tested bulk-edit auto-reload on xampp and unable to genereate this issue.
It auto-refresh grid on update.

One more test: try commenting header('content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8');

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