Regarding Purchase of PHP Grid Enterprice Version

QuestionsRegarding Purchase of PHP Grid Enterprice Version
Rakesh D asked 9 years ago


I was just looking on PHP Grid demo and thought i should purchase it for my development usage but when i moved on this page to purchase the enterprise version,i found a note there "NOTE: Developer license is not available till next update"
So,bit confused whether i will be able to customize it according to my requirement even after purchasing the enterprise addition.
I need to customize grid table fields with save in db,i need inline editing of cells,need pagination,search and most importantly i need export of table to CSV.

Can you please suggest best option for this.

Rakesh D

1 Answers
Abu Ghufran answered 9 years ago

All your required functions are supported. You can review them from demo center.
The note means, the license which allow limited features worth $50 is out of stock.
You can still get enterprise and customize as per your need as usual.

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