Hi everyone,
When I pressed the "Reload Grid" button, all inline search entries were reset except to those of type "daterange" and "select2"…
The button (Reload Grid) work properly because reload all records without filtering, but I need also to reset all search inputs.
How do I do this for "daterange" and "select2" search inputs?
For select2, you can set
$grid["loadComplete"] = "function(){ $('#gs_client_id').trigger('change'); }";
Where client_id is $col["name"].
For daterangepicker, it's taking a lot of modifications and not supported now.
I’ve tried this in my build and it’s not working. None of my select filters are resetting in any grid. Any suggestions?
Hello Bruce,
Please check if there is any JS error showing in debug console (ctrl+shift+c) and share if there is.
You can also share some testing link to see this issue.
I’m unable to generate this issue and can be checked in the working demo:
The multiselect issue is fixed now: https://www.gridphp.com/demo/demos/integrations/multiselect-filter.php
I am still unable to generate the daterangepicker and select2 issue that you mentioned.
It would be easy if you can send me table structure of users and plants with some test data.
You can share via gist as well.